E-RIDERZ has partnered with leading industry suppliers of electric personal transporters in key areas of smart personal vehicle designs.
We believe that electric personal vehicles should create freedom and joy for their owners, while offering safety and performance for a fun and exhilarating ride. The suppliers that we have chosen to work with all push the envelope for innovative design and provide market leading models for performance, safety, features, and reliability.
High performance batteries, quality electric components, extensive safety testing, powerful motors, and intelligent controllers are standard for the models we supply and service. These suppliers offer an extensive range of spart parts for servicing and maintenance, so your electric vehicle can be supported long after your purchase.
Check out the list of our Best in Class Electric Personal Transporter Brands, and click on their logo to find out more about the brand and their products.
E-RIDERZ Electric Unicycle Brands
E-RIDERZ Electric Bicycle Brands
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